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The NHS Vaccination Schedule – Which Vaccinations Do I Need?

Vaccines are important to protect you and your child from common
illnesses. The NHS provides all essential routine vaccinations for
free. Many of them need to be given during the first few years of
your child’s life and they are scheduled to provide the most
effective protection possible. To help you understand which
vaccines your child needs and why, we have compiled this little

5-in-1, 4-in-1 and 3-in-1 Vaccines

5-in-1 vaccine

The 5-in-1 vaccine is a very important vaccination for five
serious childhood diseases: diphtheria, whooping cough, polio,
tetanus and Hib (Haemophilus influenzae type b). All five
vaccinations are given in a single injection. The first dose needs
to be given at the age of 2 months, followed by two more at the age
of 3 and 4 months.

4-in-1 vaccine

At 3 years and 4 months, your child will need a further booster
known at the 4-in-1 vaccine (because it does not include Hib). This
is known as the pre-school booster.

3-in-1 vaccine

The last booster vaccine following is due during the teenage
years and it should be given between 13 and 18. It is known as the
3-in-1 vaccine, as it boosts immunity for tetanus, diphtheria and

Diphtheria, Whooping Cough and Polio Vaccines


Diphtheria is a bacterial infection. Due to widespread
vaccination, it has become very rare in the UK. Diphtheria causes
symptoms such as a high fever and a sore throat. It is dangerous
when left untreated as it can lead to severe breathing

Whooping Cough

Whooping cough affects the lungs and airways, causing a dry,
persistent cough, which can lead to distressing gasping for breath.
If it is not treated, it can become chronic, which means that the
symptoms can persist for a long time – it used to be known as
the “hundred day cough”. The infection is caused by
bacteria and can lead to severe complications such as breathing
difficulties and pneumonia, especially in very young children.


Polio is a disease which can cause paralysis and death in
children. Since routine vaccination for polio was introduced in
1956, the illness has been eradicated. Most cases of polio reported
in the UK affect children who have contracted the illness abroad.
The polio vaccine is highly effective in preventing the

Tetanus, Hib and Pneumococcal Vaccines


Tetanus is caused by a bacterium which commonly occurs in the
environment, for example in soil, dust and faeces. If the bacterium
enters your blood stream, for example through damaged skin or a
wound, it produces a toxin that affects your nerves. It causes
stiffness and spasm of the muscles throughout the body and in the
face, which gave it the old name of lockjaw. An untreated tetanus
can be fatal.

Hib (Haemophilus influenzae type b)

Haemophilus bacteria can cause a range of illnesses, such as
pneumonia and meningitis. As with other illnesses, the ongoing
vaccination effort has greatly reduced the number of infections. In
addition to the 5-in-1 vaccine, children receive a Hib booster
alongside their meningitis C vaccine at the age of 12 – 13

Pneumococcal Vaccine

The pneumococcal vaccine boosts your immunity to infections
caused by a certain type of bacterium, which causes a range of
conditions such as bronchitis, sinusitis, pneumonia and infections
of the blood. The vaccine consists of three doses given at the
following ages:

  • first dose – at 2 months
  • second dose – at 4 months
  • third dose – between 12 – 13 months

It is also recommended to get a booster at the age of 65.

Measles, mumps and rubella (MMR)

The MMR vaccine consists of one jab given to children at the age
of 12 – 13 months followed by a booster at the age of 3 – 4. It
protects you from measles, mumps and rubella.

Measles is a highly infectious disease caused by a virus. Patients typically suffer from a rash, sensitivity to light and a high fever.

Rubella is also known as German measles. It typically causes a characteristic red rash, swollen glands and a high temperature. It is very dangerous to the unborn baby if the mother is infected with measles within the first 20 weeks of pregnancy. Rubella is caused by a virus.

Mumps causes facial swellings, joint pain and headaches as well as a high fever. The viral infection used to be very common but widespread vaccination has been very successful at reducing the occurrence.

Rotavirus Vaccine

The rotavirus causes diarrhoea, vomiting and stomach pain. It is
dangerous to small children as it can cause a high fever and
dehydration. The vaccine is given in two doses at the following

  • first dose – 2 months
  • second dose – 3 months

Meningitis C

Meningitis C is a dangerous bacterial infection which causes an
inflammation of tissues surrounding the spinal cord and the brain.
Your child will receive several doses of the vaccine:

  • first dose – at the age of 3 months
  • second dose – hib / men C booster at 12 – 13 months
  • third dose meningitis C booster at the age of 13 – 15

The NHS also offers boosters for young people between the ages
of 18 – 25 yrs who have missed the booster during their teenage

The meningitis C vaccine does not prevent meningitis B, so you
still need to make sure that you know the symptoms of meningitis
and that you know how to recognise them.

HPV vaccine

The HPV vaccine is part of the national vaccination schedule and
for girls, it is free on the NHS. HPV is a very common virus which
is transmitted during sex. It can cause genital warts and certain
strains of the virus increase your risk of cervical cancer and
other cancers. The vaccine can be given from the age of 9. The
number of required doses is dependent on age – girls who receive
the first dose under the age of 15 only need two doses. Girls who
receive the first dose over the age of 15 require three doses.

Although the HPV vaccine is not free on the NHS for women over the age of 25 and for boys and men, they can still benefit from being vaccinated. To find out more, visit our page about the HPV vaccine.

Children’s flu vaccine

During winter 2014 /15, the NHS will pilot a new flu vaccine for
children aged 2, 3 or 4, which will be given as a nasal spray. The
vaccine will also be offered to schoolchildren between the ages 7-8
in certain areas of the country.

The NHS also offers free flu vaccines for people over the age of

If you have any questions about the National Child Vaccination
Schedule, speak to your GP. You should also speak to your GP if you
are unsure whether you have received all standard vaccinations

Travel Vaccines

Before you travel, you need to make sure you have all necessary
vaccines to keep you safe during your stay abroad. The first step
in this is making sure that you have had all of your routine
vaccinations, as described above. The NHS also offers some travel
vaccinations for free, this includes hepatitis A, typhoid and the
cholera vaccine. To learn more about travel health and travel
diseases, visit the Superdrug Travel Clinics website.

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