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Travel Vaccinations for Costa Rica


Certificate Requirements

Yellow fever vaccination certificate required for travellers aged 9 months or over arriving from countries with risk of yellow fever transmission with the addition of Tanzania and Zambia in the African region; the exception of Argentina and Panama in the Americas; and the following specifications for these countries:Colombia (the entire country except Barranquilla, Cali, Cartagena, Medellín and San Andrés Providencia y Bogotá); Ecuador (applies only to Morona-Santiago, Napo, Orellana, Pastaza, Sucumbíos y Zamora-Chinchipe, and excludes the rest of the country); Paraguay (the entire country except Asunción, the capital); Peru (the entire country except Lima, the capital, Cuzco, Machu Picchu, The Inca trail, Lambayeque, Tumbes, Piura and Cajamarca); Trinidad and Tobago (the entire country except the urban areas of Port of Spain, and for travellers in transit or whose itineraries are limited to the island of Tobago).

Yellow Fever £60 per dose

How much will it cost?

Per Dose £60
Doses per course 1
Price per course £60

Recommended for all travellers

The vaccines in this section are recommended for all travellers visiting the country.

Hepatitis A £55 per dose

Hepatitis A is a viral infection which causes an inflammation of the liver. In countries where hep A is prominent, many people catch it as a child. The infection tends to be mild in children but can occasionally cause complications. In adults, however, it can lead to liver damage or even liver failure. Although infection rates appear to be on the decrease, hepatitis A is endemic to Sri Lanka and the vaccination is recommended for all travellers.

Per Dose £55
Doses per course 1
Price per course £55

Recommended for some travellers

Whether you will need any of the vaccines in this section depends on the region you're travelling to, the activities you have planned and your medical history.

Rabies £58 per dose

Rabies is a disease transmitted when you’re scratched or bitten by an animal that carries the disease. This could be any wild animal such as a bat or a fox but also a domestic animal such as a dog or cat. Although animals who have rabies will develop symptoms as the disease progresses, you can’t know for sure whether an animal carries it. Rabies is almost always fatal so it’s very important that you seek medical attention immediately if you’re bitten or scratched by an animal while in a country where rabies is endemic. The nurse or pharmacist may recommend the vaccine if you will be visiting rural areas with limited access to medical care or if you are planning to work with or handle animals. They may also recommend it if you’re staying for longer than one month.

Per Dose £58
Doses per course 3
Price per course £174
Tetanus £32 per dose

The tetanus vaccine - or a booster - is recommended for all travellers who are planning to visit a country where access to medical assistance may be limited. You can get tetanus when tetanus bacteria get into your bloodstream, usually due to injury or a wound. You need a booster if your last tetanus jab was over ten years ago.

Per Dose £32
Doses per course 1
Price per course £32

Hepatitis B £45 per dose

Hepatitis B is a blood borne disease. It is transmitted during sex as well as via contaminated needles (for example when undergoing a medical procedure or a cosmetic procedure involving equipment that hasn’t been sterilised). The vaccine is usually recommended for travellers who are visiting a country where hepatitis B is endemic for a longer period of time as well as anyone likely to come in close contact with the local population (for example aid workers and volunteers). The nurse or pharmacist may also recommend it if you’re planning any activities that put you at a higher risk of injury. Hepatitis B can cause a range of symptoms. It can become chronic and cause liver damage.

Per Dose £45
Doses per course 3
Price per course £135

Why do I need a consultation?

It is difficult to say which vaccines you need without asking a medical professional. Your itinerary, your medical history and the activities you have planned all affect which vaccinations you need. It is important that a trained travel nurse or pharmacist checks what you need.

Exactly the travel vaccinations you need - no more, no less.

During your consultation, our nurse or pharmacist will talk you through the health risks at your travel destinations to check which vaccines you need. If a vaccine is not essential, we will explain your options so you can decide whether you would like to have it.


Malaria is a serious and sometimes fatal disease transmitted by mosquitoes. You cannot be vaccinated against malaria.

Malaria Precautions

  • Malaria risk is low throughout the year in the province of Limon, in the canton of Matina and in all other areas.
  • Malaria precautions are essential. Avoid mosquito bites by covering up with clothing such as long sleeves and long trousers especially after sunset, using insect repellents on exposed skin and, when necessary, sleeping under a mosquito net.
  • See malaria map – additional information can be found by clicking on the Regional Information icon below the map.
  • Low to no risk areas: antimalarial tablets are not normally advised .
  • If you have been travelling in a malarious area and develop a fever seek medical attention promptly. Remember malaria can develop even up to one year after exposure.

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How it works

1 Book an appointment

Book online or call our booking line. Our lines are open every day!

2 Free Consultation

During your appointment, the nurse or pharmacist will assess which vaccines or medications you need.

3 Get your treatment

Once our health advisor has assessed your needs, you'll receive your vaccinations & treatments straight away.

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