Our Clinics
We know you’re busy. That’s why we want to make access to medical services easier and quicker. Our health clinics offer health services on your local high street so you can get your vaccinations sorted as a part of your daily commute or weekly shop.
All our clinics are located in popular Superdrug stores and are a part of the Superdrug Health Hub, delivering pharmacy and nurse services in your local community.
We offer a range of services, from paediatric vaccinations, sexual health testing and flu vaccinations to occupational health services.
All our clinics are dedicated travel clinics. We’re committed to providing you with exactly the vaccines you need – no more, no less. You will have a free consultation during which the nurse or pharmacist will check which vaccines you need. We will never recommend a vaccine you don’t need – if a vaccine is optional, our staff will explain your options to help you decide whether you’d like to have it.
Our staff
Depending on which clinic you visit, you will be seen by a nurse or a pharmacist. All our staff are registered with either the General Pharmaceutical Council (GPhC) or the Nursing and Midwifery Council (NMC) and attend regular training.
They will be happy to help you decide which vaccinations you need or answer any questions you might have during your appointment.
We work with a leading online doctor provider to ensure we can always provide the best possible care. If you suffer from a medical condition or are taking any medication, our clinic staff may contact a doctor during your appointment to confirm whether a treatment or vaccination is suitable for you.